Thursday, July 5, 2012

Guidance / Setup : EDI over AS2 in BizTalk

EDI over AS2 using BizTalk Server 2009/2010

v  IIS 7 Configuration for BizTalk AS2

o   Keys Components

-          ISAPI Filters & Handler Mappings

-          AS2 Web-Site and BizTalk App Pool

-          Test the AS2 Web-site is reachable

-          Step 1. ----------- ISAPI Filters & Handler Mappings

1.       Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2.       Select the root Web server entry and in the Features View, double-click Handler Mappings and then in the Actions pane, click Add Script Map.
Configuring the script mapping at the Web server level will cause this mapping to apply to all child Web sites. Remove this mapping from the AS2 specific Web site or virtual folder under Default Web-Site

3.       In the Add Script Map dialog box, enter BtsHttpReceive.dll in the Request path field.
4.       In the Executable field, click the ellipsis (…) button and browse to drive:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009\HttpReceive. Select BtsHttpReceive.dll, and then click OK.
5.       Enter BizTalk HTTP Receive in the Name field, and then click Request Restrictions.
6.       In the Request Restrictions dialog box, select the Verbs tab and then select One of the following verbs. Enter POST as the verb.
7.       On the Access tab, select Script, and then click OK.
8.       Click OK and when prompted to allow the ISAPI extension, click Yes.
9.       Right-click the BTSHttpReceive.dll entry, and then select Edit Feature Permissions.
10.    Ensure that Read, Script and Execute are selected, and then click OK.
11.    Click Features View, and then double-click ISAPI and CGI Restrictions.
12.    Ensure that an entry for BTSHTTPReceive.dll exists, and that Restriction is set to Allowed.

-          Step 2. ----------- AS2 Web-Site and BizTalk App Pool

1.       In IIS Manager, right-click Application Pools and select Add Application Pool.
2.       In the Add Application Pool dialog box, enter BizTalkAppPool in Name, and then select .NET Framework V2.0.50727 in the .NET Framework version drop-down list.
                           Click OK. 

The version number may vary depending on the version of .NET Framework 2.0 installed on the machine.

3.       Select Application Pools, in the Features View select BizTalkApplicationPool, and then click Advanced Settings in the Actions pane.
4.       In the Advanced Settings dialog box, set Enable 32-Bit Applications to True.
5.       Select Identity and then click the ellipsis (…) button.
6.       In the Application Pool Identity dialog box, select Custom account and then click Set.
7.       Enter the User name and Password for a user account that is a member of the administrators group an is the BizTalk Service Account for the host that is running Receive and Send Handler Host for AS2 Ports/Adapter, enter the password in Confirm password and then click OK three times to return to the IIS Manager.
8.       In IIS Manager, open the Sites folder. Right-click the Default Web Site, and then select Add Application.
9.       In the Add Application dialog box, enter AS2Test in Alias, and then click Select.
10.    In the Select Application Pool dialog box, select BizTalkAppPool and click OK.
11.    Click the ellipsis (…) button and browse to drive:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009\HTTPReceive for the Physical path.
12.    Click Test Settings and verify that there are no errors displayed in the Test Connection dialog box. Click Close, and then click OK.
13.    In IIS Manager, select the AS2Test virtual directory and in Features View, double-click Authentication.
14.    In Authentication, select Anonymous Authentication and verify that the Status is Enabled. If the Status is Disabled, click Enable in the Actions pane.

-          Step 3. ----------- Test the AS2 Web-site is reachable
1.       Create a default.htm in the HTTPReceive Folder under BizTalk Install directory
                    2.       In IIS Manager right click the AS2 application and browse
3.       The default browser should open and show the default.htm

v  Certificates
1.       Install Certificate Services on Windows Server 2008 by adding Certificates to the Server Roles
2.       Generate a CSR from the Certificate Manager
3.       Generate the Private certificate on the server
Alternatively, a certificate can be purchased from VeriSign® or other providers so that the CA Root Authority is more standard and available when dealing with outside Trading Partners. Especially when Servers are not exposed to the Internet.

4.       Install the Private Key on the BizTalk Server Certificate Store under Personal
5.       Generate a Public key and send this off to the External Trading Partners
6.       Install External TP’s Public Certificate under Other People and Trusted People
7.       Select the Private certificate under BizTalk Server Group
8.       Select TP’s Public Certificate under Send Port
9.       Select self Public Certificate under Party
All Certificate related activities and configuration above should be performed as BizTalk Service Account

 v  EDI Approach/Considerations for AS2

o   To Receive EDI over AS2 communication:

There will be one URL given to Trading Partners to send the AS2 communications to HOME ROLE (SELF). The URL is public facing on the HOME ROLE (SELF) DMZ. After the message is received, the URL will be NAT’ed to the IIS Server inside HOME ROLE (SELF) Firewall which is hosted on local BizTalk Server (AS2 Web-Site).

A Request-Response Type (2-Way) BizTalk Receive Port is setup to listen to the local IIS URL. The Receive Location will use AS2EDIReceive Pipeline for receive side and use AS2Send Pipeline on the send.

The Receive side does AS2 and EDI resolution. The send side is non-EDI AS2 pipeline to send MDN back to the sender

Once the message is received successfully, send ports for each respective party can be created to perform mapping functions to the canonical etc…. Alternatively if Orchestrations are used, direct binding can be done using similar or additional set of Context Properties from the BizTalkMsgBox. Context properties to be used:

a.       BTS.MessageType
b.      BTS.ReceivePortName
c.       EDI.ISA06
d.      EDI.ISA08

o   To Send EDI over AS2 communication:
Once a message is ready to be sent out over AS2, a One Way Solicit Response Send Port is required which will use AS2EDISend Pipeline for send side and AS2Receive for the receive side of the Send Port

The send side will assemble EDI, encrypt and sign the message with customer public key and receive side will be used to AS2 received the MDN sent by the customer

v  Setting up Ports and AS2 Party
o   Receive Port – this should be a “Request-Response” Receive Port
§  This is a common port that is created keeping in mind that all customer communications will come to the same port as explained in the approach above
·         ReceivePort All AS2
o   RecevieLocation All AS2
Adapter Used:  HTTP | URI: /{IIS Virtual Dir. Name under Default Web Site}
Receive Pipeline: AS2EDIReceive
Send Pipieline: ASSend

        o   AS2 Send Port for Trading Partner

Create a new Send Port which is one Way Solicit Response Port. Create Configuration as follows:

·         SP.CustomerName.All.AS2.Out

-Adapter Used:  HTTP | URI: http://PartnerURL}
-Send Pipieline: AS2EDISend
-Receive Pipeline: AS2Receive
-Select the Partner Certificate under Certificates for this Send Port

        o   AS2 Party
·         Create new Party. Right Click on the properties and then follow the screen shot below: Select the Send Port for AS2 Outbound created above under this party Send Ports.
·         Also Select the Trading Partner Certificate under Party Properties-Certificates ection

v  Certificate Setup
Message or MDN
Certificate Type
Certificate Owner
Public or Private
Certificate Location
Where to configure
Home Org
Personal certificate store of in-proc host user
BizTalk Group / Properties / Certificate
Other People certificate store of local computer
Send port / Certificate
Other People certificate store of local computer
Party / Certificate
Home Org
Personal certificate store of in-proc host user
Isolated Host / Certificates
Home Org
Synch MDN: Personal certificate store of isolated host user
Asynch MDN: Personal certificate store of in-proc host user
BizTalk Group / Properties / Certificate
Other People certificate store of local computer
Party / Certificate

Created by: Amit Kumar


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